More Ways To Save The Planet
From The Chocolate We Eat To The Product's We Use...
So we have turned down our thermostats, which is great news for the planet, we have begun to say NO to standby, so now we can begin to look at other ways we can improve our lives and help safeguard our planet.
No sandals required, just a new and more positive approach to many of the things we take for granted, like our shopping, cleaning and eating habits and begin to think more about the global picture.
Top Tips To Living A Better Life...
Forget the plastic - Plastic bags are take your own!
Tell Your Friends - If you have saved money by implementing some easy energy saving tips you should tell at least one friend.
Share - Yes share.. from your many power tools that lie under a pile of dust to the toys that your children have long outgrown. It's not only better for the planet sharing makes you feel good.
If you don't need it...Don't buy it...
Make a difference, opt for buying presents that make the world of difference to others for some really great gift aid ideas try logging onto
Don't buy new! invest in antique, antique furniture is often cheaper than you think - it makes a tremendous statement and lasts a lot longer too.
Don't just bin it! reuse, recycle or donate it.
Organisz a clothes swap - Update your wardrobe by sharing - it makes perfect sense!
Tell Your Boss If by turning off your lights you saved X just imagine what we could save, if offices across the globe adopted and implemented these simple energy saving measures into their daily routine.
Switch - A great way to help reduce our global emissions is if we make a stand and switch to buying energy from a green energy supplier.
WALK - Yes walk - walking is not only good for the environment, it can dramatically improve your health! So hang up your keys and walk whenever you can.
Top - Tip When buying fish make sure that it has come from a certifiable source for more information about sustainability and fishing visit the Marine Stewardship Council
Shrimp Matters: Look to buy ecologically sound prawn/shrimp! We may all have come to love the sweet taste of it, but intensive shrimp fishing not only destroys many other marine species - shrimp farms have been directly responsible for the destruction of valuable mangroves!
Add a little or a lot of fair trade into your weekly shop.
Did You Know? Fair trade is GOOD for the PLANET and helps to secure the lives and the livelihoods of some of the world's poorest communities. So lend your support and help encourage more to do the same.
Consider - Making fair trade coffee and fair trade tea your drink of choice!
FACT: The Co-op supermarket in the UK was the first retailer to actively support fairtade and now stock over 110 fairtrade products!
BUY: Switch to buying from companies who are socially responsible and who place value on the planet's natural resources.
Did You Know? One in ten products that line the shelves of our supermarkets contain vegetable oils, including Palm Oil - The spread of palm oil plantations has had a devastating effect on the lives and habitat of the Oranutan.
FACT Almost 90 percent of the forest, home to the Oranutan has been destroyed.
Sweet Success: Buying chocolate with a HIGH cocoa content is BETTER for you and far better for both the cocoa farmer and the environment.
Did You Know: We may all love high fashion, but we have to say NO to companies who still utilize sweatshops. So Check You Labels
BUY: Make sure that the paper you buy is either recycled or of a non-wood source.
Did You Know: To produce just 1 ton of paper requires 2-3 times its weight in timber!
FACT: Half of the paper in use today is for PACKAGING!
Ditch the packaging! join the growing number of consumers across the globe and say no to excess packaging!
Buy local - across the world more and more people are opting to shop locally
Did You Know: Farmers markets are booming - if you have one in your neighborhood support it -
Support: if you live in an area which operates one of the many fruit/vegetable and meat box schemes give it a whirl! say hello to the kitchen and stir up some real food.
For a comprehensive list of farmers markets in America try logging onto:
Don't Forget: Buy whenever and wherever possible loose fruit and vegetables
Switch to buying FOOD that is in Season & grown whenever and wherever possible locally - say NO to excess food miles!
Love your meat! Whenever you can buy meat from sustainable or organic farms
PAINT: Looking to brighten your home/office? make sure you buy VOC (volatile organic compound) FREE paint
FACT: VOC's emitted from paint are bad for our health
Bin the plastic cup - Get everyone to bring in a proper mug!
FACT: In the UK alone we bin over 3 billion plastic cups a year!
Switch to buying from people you like!
Switch to buying organic cotton - not only is organic a far nicer product - it is far better for the environment.
Check out which companies have already signed up to the carbon down profits up campaign youll be amazed.
Make patio heaters a blast from the past - invest in one of the growing number of real fires or - invest in some brightly coloured blankets - snuggle up and get personal.
Recycle - Couldn't talk green without mentioning one of the biggest things we can do to help safeguard our planet.
Worried about waste? Buy a wormery a great way to get rid of your waste and great for the kids! check out the Green pages for some really great product ideas.
Car Share - As ominous as it sounds car sharing can work, provided of course the people you share with start and or end their journey where you do. Car sharing is also a great way of reducing the volume of school traffic - if you live under a mile away walk the kid's will love it!
Christine Farrell is the founder of the first web site to put the subject of climate change into a global context. Developed to help everyday people understand the role we play in the bigger picture. delivers timely, global information on climate change, deforestation, our diet, water, saving energy and much much more..
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